Buxton Art Trail Map & Artists
For BAT22 we used two BAT HUBS on Hardwick Square, just off the Market Place; HUB1 at Buxton Infants School and HUB2 at Buxton United Reformed Church, facing the school.
There was artists and activity inside the school and church, and outside in the school playground, where in a first for the art trail, there was also somewhere to have lunch!
BAT was delighted to welcome Dosa Love, who served fresh, India-inspired Dosa and Indian Street Food from a marquee on the Buxton Infant’s School playground.

Buxton Art Trail Venue Details
► Different opening times to BAT2022
► Stairs or steps
► Gravel path access
► Street Parking or Car Park
► Studio or artist demo
► Refreshments
► Garden
► Directions
✱ Sculpture Trail in Pavilion Gardens
Hub Locations
Buxton Infant School
1 – 13 Buxton Infant School,
Hardwick Square. SK17 6QB
Buxton United Reformed Church
14 – 19 Buxton URC,
Hardwick Square East.
SK17 6PT
► Saturday 11:00am – 5:00pm
► Sunday 12:00pm – 5:00pm
Green Man Gallery
20 – 28 The Green Man Gallery,
Hardwick Square South.
SK17 6PY
Individual Artist Locations
29 Bright Opportunities
11a Market Street.
30 12 Grange Road. SK17 6NH
► Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th 11:00am – 4:30pm
► Stairs or steps
► Garden
► Street Parking
31 Unit 4a, The Cavendish Arcade,
(next to The Crescent) SK17 6BQ
Entrances opposite The Slopes and next to Pizza Express.
32 Studio 54,
54 Dovedale Crescent. SK17 9BH
► Stairs or steps
► Refreshments
33 Potters of Buxton,
8 Terrace Road. SK176DR
34 Buxton Station,
Station Road. SK17 6AQ
35 The Forgery,
8 Goytlands. SK17 9BP
► Gravel path access
► Stairs or steps
► Street Parking
36 9 Wye Head. Off Macclesfield Road.
► Open Saturday only
► Refreshments
37 The Art Café,
Pavilion Gardens,
St John’s Rd. SK17 6BE
► 9:30am – 5:00pm
► Access via spiral staircase
38 The Louise Jannetta Gallery & Studio,
Rear of 24 Dale Road. SK17 6NL
► Stairs or steps
39 The Chambers at The Old Court House, George Street. SK176AY
► Stairs or steps
40 Sandra Orme Sky Studio.
► Access via steps with handrails.
► Studio or artist demo
► South on A515/London Road, turn right after Hospital (Harpur Hill) continue uphill until Parks Inn, turn right into Grinlow Road, Rock Bank is second left off Fiddle Street.
Parking Grinlow Road or Harpur Hill Road.
41 Day Zero,
30 High Street. SK17 6EU
► From 19th July during opening hours (closed Sunday), 9:00am to 4:30pm
► Steps and spiral staircase
42 17 Hogshaw Drive, SK17 7AX
► Refreshments
► Garden
► Studio or artist demo
43 ‘Studio with a view’,
86 Nunsfield Rd. SK17 7BW
► Stairs or steps
► Refreshments
► Garden
► Studio or artist demo
44 T C Art Studio & Gallery,
16 Terrace Road. SK17 6DU
► 9:00am – 6:00pm
45 Haddon Hall Care Home.
► 10:00am – 4:00pm
46 49 Market Street. SK17 6LF
► 10:00am – 4:00pm
► Refreshments
► Studio or artist demo
Buxton Art Trail Artists 2022
1 Sarah Brindley
Location: Buxton Infant School
01298 25774
Mini Heart and Others
Graphic Art in paper and wood by Sarah Brindley, a professional designer/maker and sustainable design researcher.
2 Buxton Infant School
Location: Buxton Infant School
Our Wonderful World
An exhibition showcasing the work of Buxton Infant School year two pupils using a range of media.
3 Rachel Cleary
Location: Buxton Infant School
07472 939077
Bilberry Bees of Buxton
Mixed Media art based around the Bilberry Bumble Bees. Raising awareness of the rare Bilberry Bumblebee in Buxton!
4 Nicola Crook
Location: Buxton Infant School
07485 031270
Nicola Crook Art
Abstract realist paintings, inspired by mother nature and all her beauty.
5 Roger Davies
Location: Buxton Infant School
07473 637897
Roger Davies Metal Art
A wide range of metal sculptures for the
garden and home-made with love and
6 Peak Vision Arts
Location: Buxton Infant School
07964 824446
Facebook: Peak Vision Arts
Instagram: Peak Vision Arts
Peak Vision Arts
Botanical printed textiles, mixed media art and design, ceramics, landscape paintings and felt art.
7 Ruby Moon
Location: Buxton Infant School
07970 868018
Opening the memory drawers……….
An installation of textile pieces and artefacts
that embody memories…
8 Linda Rolland
Location: Buxton Infant School
07747 783262
If Time Permits
From the BAT Chair: Works in paint, collage, mixed media and pastel… if time permits!
9 Mark Smalley
Location: Buxton Infant School
07847 212032
Mark Smalley Ceramics
Decorative and functional hand built ceramics.
10 Lynne McPeake
Location: Buxton Infant School
07740 418996
Instagram: lynne_mcpeake_pictures
Impressionistic photography
Images created in-camera to give an
impressionistic feel, more akin to drawing or
painting than ‘straight’ photography.
11 Holly Serjeant
Location: Buxton Infant School
01298 73100
Facebook: Wrapped Up In Books
Wrapped Up In Books
Based at the famous Scriveners bookshop,
Holly produces handmade books using
traditional methods and materials.
12 Beverley Threlfall
Location: Buxton Infant School
07791 043975
Instagram: Bev-t-art
Figurative and portrait art
A collection of life drawings and portraits in a variety of media.
13 Jonathan Turner
Location: Buxton Infant School
07775 931082
Twisted Sticks
Hand crafted walking sticks and wizardly staffs.
BAT is delighted to welcome Dosa Love, who will be serving fresh, India-inspired Dosa and Indian Street Food from a marquee on the Buxton Infant’s School playground.

14 Helen Brown
Location: Buxton United Reformed Church
07388 048138
Helen Brown Art
Contemporary landscapes, seascapes and atmospheric skies.
15 Gael Cherry
Location: Buxton United Reformed Church
07891 797468
Instagram: gaelcherrypotsofjoy
Group Art Studio
Ceramic work based on botanical themes.
Decorated wall mounts, vessels, bowls & jugs.
16 Marie Keane
Location: Buxton United Reformed Church
07811 268885
Printmaker specialising in lino, mixed media and monoprinting. Inspired by rural settings and wildlife.
17 Jenny McKenzie
Location: Buxton United Reformed Church
07380 668745
Facebook: themillyardstudiogalleryposts
Inspired by…..
Abstract impressionistic art with a sense of place and time, worked from sketches of places and nature.
18 Jo Spencer
Location: Buxton United Reformed Church
07989 348646
Facebook: Maid_of_Old Mosaics
Instagram: @jo_spencer_mosaics
Taking inspiration from local hills and dales, damaged vintage crockery is transformed into mosaics using the ‘picassiette’ process.
19 Carolyn Trafford
Location: Buxton United Reformed Church
07714 216388
Carolyn Trafford Art
Textile art works and silver jewellery inspired by the landscape of hills and moorlands.
20 Geoff Chilton
Location: The Green Man Gallery
07545 394349
The Experimental Landscape
An exploration of the wild places of Britain, the fleeting light on the landscape and the experimental process of mark-making.
21 Mara Juliet Edwards
Location: The Green Man Gallery
07501 031925
Facebook: marasart
Wildflower Meadow
I want to achieve something beautiful with the paint. I want the paint itself to communicate; there has to be life within it.
22 Dawn Featherstone
Location: The Green Man Gallery
The Green Man Gallery Summer Collection
Oil painting, printmaking, etchings and collagraphs featuring local landmarks, landscapes and nature.
23 Laura Hyland
Location: The Green Man Gallery
07398 210496
Instagram: Lauraann_hyland
Green Man Debut Artist
Mixed media contemporary Art on a variety of themes.
24 Amanda O’Neill
Location: The Green Man Gallery
07914 382258
The Spirit of Nature
Prints, paintings and sculptures of animals, birds, sea and landscapes inspired by the natural world with a spiritual element.
25 Suzanne Pearson
Location: The Green Man Gallery
07957 587673
Wildlife and Wild Places
Mixed media paintings inspired by the natural world and wild places in Derbyshire and beyond.
26 Chris Ray
Location: The Green Man Gallery
A Thoughtful Daub
Landscapes in oil on board, based on memories and imagination informed by Plein Air oil sketching.
27 Karl Robinson
Location: The Green Man Gallery
07713 339234
Instagram: karlrobinson3956
A tribute to all keyworkers throughout the pandemic.
28 Caroline Small
Location: The Green Man Gallery
07940 333352
A Mindful Eye – Photography by Caroline Small
A photographic celebration of the small, the humble and everyday. Effects of light and movement expressed in the still image.

29 Bright Opportunities
Location: 11a Market Street, SK17 6LF
07825 177355
Showcase @ Bright Opportunities
Mixed media artwork by several artists, including a showcase of Connor Garner’s lockdown artwork.
30 Claire Chable
Location: 12 Grange Road, SK17 6NH
07765 196560
My Herdwick flock
Herdwick sheep illustrated in acrylic paint on canvas.
Note: Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th 11:00am – 4:30pm
31 Rebecca Clitheroe
Location: Unit 4a, The Cavendish Arcade
07946 501489
The Hidden Histories Collections
Mixed Media artworks telling the stories behind historic buildings and landmarks using a layering technique and ‘concealed’ black and white images.
32 Diane Craig
Location: 54 Dovedale Crescent. SK17 9BH
07792 736877
Studio 54
Silver clay jewellery and other craft.
33 Amanda Foy
Location: Potters of Buxton
07763 571538
Photographic compositions of coastal and country images in country living and vintage style, each image contains wonkyheartstone pebbles.
34 Friends of Buxton Station
Location: Buxton Train Station
Facebook: friendsofbuxtonstation
Community art is public art
Murals and sculpture, a ceramic mosaic and a letter cascade art installation in celebration of HM The Queen’s “Platinum” Jubilee. A giant brightly-painted fibreglass Bilberry bumblebee in the Japanese Garden.
35 Christopher Hield
Location: The Forgery, 8 Goytlands. SK17 9BP
07863 712777
Fantasy Forged In Foam
Foamsmith and clay modeller. Props and armour for the Larping community. Iron Man suits, Star Wars Speeder, steampunk
aeroplane and Gnomes!
36 Paula Hobdey
Location: 9 Wye Head. Off Macclesfield Road. SK179AG
07891 852425
Art at Paula’s Pad
Weird and wonderful birds and abstracts in mixed media. Open multiple days during the Fringe…with refreshments!
37 Louise Jannetta Exhibition
Location: The Art Café, Pavilion Gardens, St John’s Rd. SK17 6BE
Silent Song
Investigating the power of mark and colour and inviting examination of the emotional effects of complex pattern and texture.
38 Louise Jannetta Studio
Location: The Louise Jannetta Gallery & Studio, Rear of 24 Dale Road. SK17 6NL
Supplant Syntax
A chance to meet the artist in a working studio with 2D and 3D works on show.
39 More Care Design Collective
Location: The Chambers at The Old Court House, George Street. SK176AY
07927 936766
Animal Alter Egos in Suits
More Care Design Collective, MCDC, is a creative group of adults with learning difficulties. Working with Sarah Brindley, they present their amazing portraits.
40 Sandra Orme
Location: See details above
01298 22538 / 07748 840078
Facebook: sandraormepasteloriginals
Elemental: Stunning Skies and Wild Weather
Award-winning pastel and charcoal work of sky, land and sea. Demonstrations during the art trail in the Sky Studio.
41 Stephanie Osborne
Location: Day Zero,
30 High Street. SK17 6EU
Instagram: @stephanie.art
Green Pastures – the Solace of Nature
A selection of pictures in a variety of media celebrating the power of the natural world to provide comfort and inspiration.
During opening hours at Day Zero from Tuesday 19th July.
42 Jo Harratt
Location: 17 Hogshaw Drive, SK17 7AX
07917 624806
The Menagerie
A fibre artist creating animals sculptures with a vintage twist.
43 Pam Smart
Location: ‘Studio with a view’,
86 Nunsfield Rd. SK17 7BW
07736 353295
Vibrant Artwork Colourful Places
Vibrant, intricate paintings, architecture and flowers, combine elements of pattern and decoration with striking colours.
44 TC Art Studio
Location: T C Art Studio & Gallery,
16 Terrace Road. SK17 6DU
07878 074156
T C Art Studio
Unique, creative art works in acrylic paints using the Fluid Art Technique. New shop and working studio now open in Buxton!
45 Haddon Hall Care Home
Location: Haddon Hall Care Home
Stamp your Mark
Our residents shared thoughts and ideas to create a collaborative piece which has special meaning to them.
46 Susannah Thompson
Location: 49 Market Street. SK17 6LF
07905 861038
Line of the land
Paintings inspired by walking in the Peak District, reflecting the many moods and weather of this elusive landscape.